Self-ecological survey of European larch and hybrids

Self-ecological survey of European larch and hybrids


As part of its breeding programs, INRAE creates, evaluates and selects improved varieties that are then released before being distributed for reforestation. Most of these varieties are produced in state seed orchards and marketed by the 'Graines forestières' GIE.

For reasons that are easy to understand, the varieties can only be tested on a limited number of sites (2 to 10 ?), preferably chosen from an ecological point of view. On the other hand, these varieties are deployed by reforestationists in many plantations throughout France.

Feedback from managers would be a major asset for :

  • validate the conclusions of large-scale evaluation tests,
  • advance knowledge of the self-ecology of species,
  • in fine, refine the recommendations for the use of varieties,
  • guide improvement programs.

In a participatory research framework, we would therefore like to involve you in this process. For the future, we would like to carry out a first survey on larch varieties from seed orchards only, i.e. :

  • for European larch : Verger du Theil, and other European orchards,
  • for hybrid larch: Verger de Lavercantière (formerly Verger du Talonet or des Barres), and other European hybrid orchards.

The objectives of this survey are:

  • On the one hand to assess the extent of the geographical coverage of use of these varieties and the diversity of environmental conditions for their deployment,
  • On the other hand to know the overall level of performance of these plantations.

If you agree to participate in this survey, a response form is available online. We recommend that you read the questionnaire before filling it out by downloading it here

You can fill it in directly online or send it back to us by mail, e-mail or fax.

Your data will be treated in strict confidence. You will be able to find on this site the state of progress of our work on this subject.

We thank you in advance for your interest and collaboration and remain at your disposal for any further information.

Luc E.Pâques

Research Director

Responsible for the larch genetic improvement program

INRA-Val de Loire – Unité Mixte de Recherche BioForA

2163 Avenue de la Pomme de Pin – CS40001

Ardon 45075 ORLEANS Cedex 2


Courriel :

Tel. +33 (0)2 38 41 78 21     Fax +33 (0)2 38 41 78 79
