
Elemental and isotopic microanalysis of tree rings as a tool for chronological and spatial monitoring of pollution in the field of polluted sites and soils: Dendrochemistry

Partenaires : Part 2 : INRAE : Rozenberg Philippe, Part 3 : TAUW : Kaskassian Sebastien, Part 4 : Chrono-Environnement : Chalot Michel

Coordinateur : 

Personnel BioForA impliqué : Philippe Rozenberg, Nassim Belmokhtar

Autre personnel impliqué: 

Financement : 

Budget :

Résumé :

The presence of multiple industrial sites in or near dense urban areas, which themselves emit contaminants, reinforces the need for an innovative, multi-disciplinary and multi-technical approach to the diagnosis and monitoring of polluted sites and soils.

Using trees as bioindicators and recorders of current and past pollution, dendrochemistry enables us to trace the history of pollution and the migration speed of a plume by analyzing tree rings. Compared with conventional methods for diagnosing polluted sites and soils, dendrochemistry is considerably less costly and can be implemented rapidly with a minimum of equipment, even in hard-to-reach areas. This method could also be used to guide diagnoses of conventional polluted sites and soils, thanks to a better understanding of the pollution and its associated impact. In the Argos project, we are proposing to couple dendrochemistry with a multi-technique approach that will enable ring-by-ring analysis of a core sample taken from the tree, for the content of marker elements in organic compounds (Cl, S, etc.), metal content (Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Pb, etc.) and Pb isotopic composition. The method developed in this project will have the advantage of (1) requiring very little sample preparation, thus saving a considerable amount of time, (2) having a very high spatial resolution, and therefore point resolution, making it possible to trace the history of pollution down to the year, and (3) using highly sensitive analysis techniques, giving access to the quantitative analysis of a panel of elemental and isotopic tracers, ideal for deconvoluting the contributions of the various anthropogenic inputs to soils.

By developing a validated dendrochemical characterization method based on a multi-technique approach (µEDXRF, LA-ICP-MS and LA-MC-ICP-MS), enabling the direct and quantitative measurement of pollutant tracers and co-tracers on a ring-by-ring basis, the Argos project will create the first commercial consortium capable of carrying out both dendrochemical analyses and interpretations in France. In addition, the Argos project will contribute to the promotion of the method, notably through the publication of a summary report serving as the basis for a technical guide.