March 2016 – February 2020

Optimizing the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe

Partners :http://www.gentree-h2020.eu/about/partners

BioForA staff involved : Véronique Jorge, Leopoldo Sanchez, Odile Rogier, Vincent Segura, Aurélien Chateigner, Mathieu Tiret, Vanina Guérin, Jean Paul charpentier, Nathalie Boizot, Corinne Buret, Marc Villar, Marie Pégard, …

Funding : Europe H2020

Budget : 8 millions d’euros

Summary : The goal of GenTree is to provide the European forestry sector with better knowledge, methods and tools for optimising the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources (FGR) in Europe in the context of climate change and continuously evolving demands for forest products and services.
To reach its goal, GenTree will make scientific, technological and implementation breakthroughs in:
•    designing innovative strategies for dynamic conservation of FGR in European forests
•    broadening the range of FGR used by European breeding programmes
•    preparing new forest management scenarios and policy frameworks fully integrating genetic conservation and breeding aspects, to adapt forests and forestry to changing environmental conditions and societal demands.
GenTree focuses on economically and ecologically important tree species in Europe, growing in a wide range of habitats and covering different societal uses and values.

Source : Unité de recherche Ecologie_des_forets_méditerranéennes


Abies alba in Corsica (Punteniellu), France Credit: Arnaud Jouineau, INRA, France Credits: GenTree Project